Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional "CMRP"
CMRP Certification program is provided by SMRP/USA
It is the top credential in Asset Maintenance and Reliability for managers and professionals in maintenance, and the only accredited ANSI certificate in this field .
The course will provide very informative sessions with unique knowledge about assets mainteance and reliability based on SMRP Body Of Knowledge and additional references.
This course will quaify you to pass the exam and be CMRP with Wall Certificte, Badge and Listed name in CMRP's Directory.
Regsiter for CMRP Course, get certified and progress in your career path and professional development.
Refund Policy
Money Back Guarantee if you don't like to cntinue couse within 15 days from commencement date
Course Materials
Lectures Handout [PDF].
Lectures [Video Recordings].
Mock Exam.
Course material is dedicated only to each student with his name , student is not allowed to share course content with anyone without Formal approval from EngBOK.
Any violation will have adverse impact and exposure to legal liability.